Warshaw Group Brings Accurate Capital Planning to City Agency
New York City Department of Education and School Construction Authority
The New York City Department of Education (DOE) and School Construction Authority (SCA) were tasked with formulating a Five Year Capital Plan. The plan, which regularly encompasses $8-$13 billion in project planning, requires assessments be performed on the city’s 1,600 school buildings. After receiving their paper inspections, the agency must then determine what problems to fix, as well as how much the projects will cost and how long they would take to perform. This process was arduous, inefficient and often inaccurate.
As a part of DOE and SCA’s efforts to improve the Five Year Capital Plan, Warshaw Group was enlisted to create a system that would not only collect valuable data, but also use that data for accurate long-term capital planning.
Warshaw Group created for DOE the Online Capital Plan Development System (oCPDS). oCPDS allows for data that has been collected remotely via Mobile Validity-powered building condition assessment software to be translated into manageable projects using Warshaw Group costing software. The result is that the agency is able to have an accurate projection of the amount of money and length of time that will be required to complete their planned projects.
As part of DOE and SCA’s team, Warshaw Group has been able to significantly aid New York City in their mission to provide safe and comfortable schooling to the city’s youth. The agency continues their relationship with the Warshaw Group, using oCPDS to improve the capital planning process to this day.
To read more about New York City Department of Education & School Construction Authority’s success with Warshaw Group, click here.
To see a demonstration of Mobile Validity, click here.
To learn how Warshaw Group serves Government Agencies, click here.